The Gospel according to Matthew makes an important claim: Jesus Christ fulfills all the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. This Good News is not simply for the Jews, but for everyone in the world, too.
Matthew organized his Gospel carefully. The early chapters cover the birth, baptism, and early temptations of Jesus. Then Matthew describes the ministry of Jesus—His teaching, preaching, and healing. The Gospel ends with the events leading to His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.
Jesus is presented as the Great Teacher—the authoritative interpreter of the law of Moses.
Matthew divides the teachings of Jesus into five collections:
- The Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes;
- The instructions for the twelve disciples as they begin their mission;
- The parables of the Kingdom;
- His teachings on the meaning of discipleship; and, finally,
- Christ’s teaching about the end of the age and the coming kingdom of glory.
As one of Christ’s disciples, Matthew heard the teachings of Jesus firsthand. That fact alone makes the Gospel of Matthew a thing to be studied and treasured.